About Us
First off, let’s define the heading “About Us.” This shop was founded to fill a need in the cycling community for all of us, so as you read on, you’re included in the word “Us”. Since the Opening of Aunt Betty’s Bikes in March of 2020, we’ve had the opportunity to hear the hearts of those who have entered. What we’re hearing confirms the whole reason we opened…… as the world closed! Many of you share the common concern of the dangers of cycling on the roads on the Cape. Some are looking for another way to get outside and exercise to fill that need to stay healthy, both physically and emotionally. It’s very common to hear how many have literally exhausted themselves attempting to fend off chronic running injuries and miss the simplicity and feel after a good run.

The gym has its place of course, but we’re finding that most folks are looking for more of an outdoor experience that can be tailored around their work and family schedule. The awareness of “off road” cycling has a realistic appeal to people that seems more doable, simple, year-round and most of all, fun! From the day the door opened (it’s a small shop) the word “us” has included competitive athletes, veteran and current road cyclists, busted up runners, future busted up runners, north country mountain riders, retirees, worker bees, dentists, doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, mechanics, homemakers, and yes, even chimney sweepers!
Aunt Betty’s is a shop about “us” and the common thread we all share is a desire to keep moving, be safe and have fun! Whenever “us” gets together to ride, it confirms even more as to why Aunt Betty opened her door and let “us” in. Don’t get too comfortable though, because its not long before she’s yelling at us to “Go Outside and Play!”
Join “Us” if you will!